Thursday, May 22, 2014


It's so very easy to be negative or depressed over autism....or anything medical related. But, finding the positive can really help. Some days I find it randomly, others I force find it...and some days just suck. Life!  ;) 

Today's realization is based around therapy goals for my youngest. We've always been a family that tries to minimize unnecessary stressors. For example, we rarely take the kids grocery shopping. Why? Because it's crazy and sounds ridiculous. There's two adults here, let the kids stay home. Right? Yes, but Kieran needs to experience these things. So we are stepping out of our comfort zone and forcing ourselves to welcome unnecessary stress in order to grow. In order for all of us to grow. 

We can't spell Barney, or avoid letting him see his shoes forever. It's silly really. If we allow those things to be the norm - (saying, not spelling words, not hiding shoes....etc) he can and will adjust to them. Yes, your shoes are laying out - but we aren't going anywhere! We may not be going anywhere for a few days. There's the shoes, buddy! He can't meltdown over the shoes for two days. At some point it clicks that shoes and going out to play are not always connected. 

So there it is - my random positivity gained during one of his therapy sessions this morning. It dawned on me that we used to have to shut the front door during therapy or that's all he would focus on. But today - it was open. It's been open for weeks. He moved on. Growth...progress!

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